Urban Native Education Alliance
Welcomes you!

Clear Sky Land Acknowledgement:
“We acknowledge that we are in the homeland of Duwamish People, the First People of this land and the Snoqualmie, Suquamish, Tulalip and Muckleshoot Tribes.
“We raise our hands to honor all descendants of the Duwamish and Coast Salish people. We thank them for their hospitality as the First people of this land, and for our continuing use of the natural resources of their Ancestral Homeland.
We recognize the immense, immeasurable and often unrecognized contributions and sacrifices of the Coast Salish and Indigenous People, and we acknowledge the ongoing disparities, racism, and political invisibility experienced by Coast Salish and Indigenous Peoples of this land."
Events & Activities

Ongoing Events & Activities

Contact Us
P.O. Box 25142 Seattle, WA 98165
uneachair@gmail.com | Tel: 206-941-0338
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Please send us a message; we will get back to you shortly.